The following comments will be a running dialogue of the student entrepreneurs' experience on Ramapo.
A running account of Ramapo Islands: the virtual presence for education at Suffern Middle School, Suffern, NY. has relocated to http://ramapoislands.edublogs.org Please visit us there...
Glassman Hillburn:
Today I started my baseball field. I was able to create the mound and the first base line. I could have made more but I had to help alot of people. I can't wait until next time!!!!
Callinan Hillburn-Today i started workiing on my entrepreneur building! i found it very fustraiting because i could notget the building to do many things! It was very fustraiting. But,i am very excited to start my business!
Youngblood hillburn
today i got a job working for dorf hillburn and shine hillburn making and selling cars and other vehicles we've never decided on the salary yet
Unfortunately, I still have absolutely no idea what I want to do. I'd like to make jewelry or clothes, but i also saw Ryl Redgrave with her personal assistant, and thought that it would be cool to make something like that, but shaped like a cat or dog. Or, I might just work for someone. Hopefully, I will decide tonight.
Milovich Hillburn
Baccas Hillburn...
Today i started a clothing store with Colangelo Hillburn. But before we did we asked Georgia abot how to start it. I am very exciting to start my buisness!!
colangelo hillburn
today i wokred with georgia hillburn and baccas hillburn to start making clothes, because we want to build a store. we talked it over and statred planning it.
Jacob Aronoff--
For my project, I am in a partnership with Evan Niederhoffer. We will be selling and making homes.
Niederhoffer Hillburn--
I made a partnership with Jacob Aronoff. We are making houses which we will sell.
lagudi hillburn,
today i look for a job at differntent places i could not find one yet i am also trying to learn how to biuld things
Hirschman Hillburn
Today my computer would only let me on for a certian amount of time. all i did was go into someones baseball feild and i tried to get into a car (= i think that soon i will start to try to sell clothes.
Ruthberg HIllburn,
Today i asked Georgia Starr how to find a job bec ause i want to work for someone. I also found many new places and igured out how to teleport.
capalbo hillburn
I tried biulding a house but it didnt work very well then i added freinds and chatted with people
Hirschman Hillburn
Today my computer wouldnt let me really go on. i looked at someones baseball feild. but that was all the time i had. hopefullly soon i could start a buisness (=
Lagudi hillburn
My experience has not been fun. i have been looking for jobs and trying to build things i have had no success i hope it gets better
Lucasl Hillburn
so far my second life experience has not been good at all. I have only got to go on for 5 minutes in 3 days. I couldnt complete any tasks becasue i cannot do anything. This has not been good for me at all. I hope it will get better.
colangelo hillburn
today i worked with baccas hillburn & gerogia to make clothes because we want to build a store. We talked it over & started to plan it.
Bubel Hillburn
i thought about making a candy shop. I'm going to start small with a cart and if business picks up add more products and make it a store.
Dorrian Hillburn
Today I got my lindons and I took my photo. I started to think about what type of business I am going to do.
Antonutti Hillburn
Today I had a problem getting on and it took me awhile to find a computer. When I got on finally I did a snap shot amd then i did my blog
Baccas Hillburn
i was working with Georia and Colangelo Hillburn. i am working with her and we are going to stat a busines together.. an clothing store. i am soo excited to stat my businesss
creted a house delaney hillburn
alarcon hillburn
i didint learn to much in second life today but its still fun to hang out
Nicholson Hillburn
I had the idea to start a club inside of the second life world. I have not yet built the building but I will start tommotrow or the next time. I am not sure what the lub will feature but I hoppe people like it. I can't wait to start the business. I talked to my partner who is Newmeyer Hillburn. We will be partnering in this business. WE were succesful in finding the business today.
Meyers Hillburn (:
Kayyy, um, I still have no idea what to do. I will proably work with Dubbs Hillburn, but I am unsure. She wanted to do ice cream, but she didn't know there was an ice cream cart. (I showed it to her). I may just offer to do paid advertizing fro other businessess. byeeeee<3
I am new to Second Life, and I am still trying to figure out a lot of this stuff. I am planning on going into the "sweet stuff" business and I will go in with my friend Meyers Hillburn. Hopefully it will be sucessful. Today I took my snapshot and got 200 lindens. It was good today but I still don't understand everything, I am still learning!
Soares Hillburn
Designed my character, took my photo. I have yet to make my business
brain hillburn
today was my second day and it went way better. i finished all my chores like to get lindens and take a picture. i added many friends. i plan to start my business up tommorow. today was a very helpful day.
i am having so much fun in second life and i can't wait to start my new business! I took a snapshot today and got 200 lindens for getting in chaser brody's group. I also got 10 lindens for having my snashot in my profile.
Hammershlag Hillburn-
Today was my second day on. I discussed with my partner, johnson hillburn, on our building. I took my snapshot and poot it in my profile. I also made friends wth many class mates on second life.
gorton hillburn
i got my 200 lindens today and im making new friends
I had a very difficult time trying to learn how to build. I did not start but I am almost ready.
Trifiletti Hillburn: I am new at secid life but i have still made some progress. I took my snapshot and i changed up my appearance a little bit. Also, Chaser Brody gave me my 200 lindens which allowed me to upload my snapshot. Hopefully i will learn to play the game better!!!
Johnson Hillburn: Today I am still not sure what I want to do. I was able to take my snapshot and get my 200 linden dollars. Me and my partner have discussed what we are going to do and we think we might open up an ice cream shop. Hopefully we will be able to decide soon.
Alvencar Hilburn - I took my snapshot and am thinking to start my own company
Werfel Hillburn~Today i had new experiences and figured out how to do different things. Second Life is much more fun if you know what your doing and how to do it. I learned how to do new things like add friends and travel. It was nice to change your own figure into you and now i have to decide what business i want to start. I'm thinking of something anyone can go to and have fun at!!!
EmilyC Hillburn
Today I made friend, took my snapshot, and got my lindens. I don'tt know what business im going to do, i was thinking of making fortune cookies, but when someone showed me what we build iwth, i dont really think i can do that anymore.
Nicholson Hillburn
I have been going on Second life at home and I am having trouble makeing buildings and homes. If anyone could help me it would be great. Also I would like to get a job or have people partner with me Bye
Dubbs Hillburn
I took my snapshot, and got 200 lindens . I am not sure what businesss i will do...i will decide next time!
stewart, graesser, shepard...we didnt get very far today because the computers. we thought of a good business idea, to make a snack bar thing and sell it. tomorrow we are going to try to start building it.
i had trouble changing a box into a heart box and cannot figure it out, but i did learn how o make a tail and use objects from your inventory i like second life and its very real so its easier for me o understand then just sitting in class i need t lear how to mae food its harder than you'd think
Simon, Buchalter are going to build a rock climbing wall very high, we didn't start it yet but the next time we go on, we will start with our block
pitts,kaldany, ramon
today we didn't get far, mainly we figured out what we were going to do. decided for jetpacks, but couldn't make any. trying to figure out how to make them
Today we tried to figure out how to start a store. we ahve a set idea but we need to make a building. we chatted a lot among our friends and helped each other out. we need to buy a car.
julie, nikita, sarah
Today we were working on our boxes that we are going to make to look like there are actual food items in there. i would like to know how to make how to make the actual food. We are then going to make a building.
Moskowitz Hillburn & Long HIllurn:
Today we decided what we wanted to make. We decided that we wanted to make a sports shop. We also started building the store and we will finisht that later.
hasbrouck hillburn
I had trouble today because it is hard to create something and think about a business you would like to start.
Matthew Simpson
Today making a car seemed harder than it looked. Hopefully the computer lab will be clear and maybe I could get help with it. But it will be a long way before I can make the car to work though.
today was so stressful, me and my partner had trouble making our track but now we under stand what to do. next class we are hoping to finish our track and hopefully it will be a success.
Today I learned more about making stuff. But im still not sure of what i want to do
I decided to make nic nacs for the house and yard and have been sucsesful so far. -shine hillburn
LauraC Hillburn- I still don't know what to do. I want to make clothes or something like that, but I've been having trouble how to. I might end up working for someone else. Maybe I'll make a swimming pool. This is frustrating.
today i bought shoes, nd was tryin to creat different typs of shoes to wear. also, im seeling them for $20 a pair.
today i created a global car with the sunset aint job it turned ut beatiful its spectacular
Today i decided on making and selling female handbags. I did't get that far because i was having trouble on how to do that. But my price for them are $15 each.
Milovich Hillburn
Yet again, I didn't have such a great day. However, i offered to be the employee for anyone who needs one. I am trying to find the templates that Darby Wind knew about, but i couldn't. Maybe I'll have better luck on thursday!
today I learned how to build a bench and even thow i am not finished it is looking good
Weinberg Hillburn: I learned how to build. Although, I have not totally succeded yet, but I am trying.
Ruthberg Hilburn,
Today i got very frustrated. I couldnt walk or fly all that happened when i moved my arrows is my view changed. However i learned how to build a box and use some of the building tools. I dont like second life!
ortiz hillburn
today i looked for my baseball field and tried to ask the people who placed many thing in there to move them. that did not work out very well.
GLOVER HILLBURN this is an amazing site i love it
I was try to make my resturant
colangelo hillburn
i didn't get a lot of work done today, becasue when i logged on my avitar it wouldn't move i only saw the piont of views of my avitar's eyes.When poeple tried teloporting me it wouldn't let me go. The spot i was in was rockland. Today i wanted to make some clothes but i couldn't.
Antonutti Hillburn
Today i couldn't get on because i for sominthing in the password then i logged on then my person wouldn't move so i didn't do anythhing because i couldn't move.
Bubel Hillburn
Today i couldn't get much done but i know i am going to make a candy cart of a small candy shop in the castle. I need to learn how to make the candy and build a cart.
Lagudi Hillburn
My experience has been getting better. Me and lucasl hillburn are trying to build a place were we can see baseball things. we are learing as we go. I hope to build my building soon
namnumhilburn we have made part of our business company of selling cars we are almost done we will most likely start selling cars and motorcycles by tomarrow january 24
we made part of our buisness we almost finished our car dealing shop.(we have alot of cars)
Niederhoffer Hillburn-
I planned out what my and my partner's responsibilities are with our business. He will get furniture while I make houses. Also I tryed to get requirenments for each house like a door script.
delaney hillburn
i tried to figure out how to build things better than i already could
Lucasl Hillburn
So far my experience has been getting better. Lagudi Hillburn and I are making a sports training facility with baseball fields, basketball courts and batting cages. Our sucess has not been good because we do not know how to build and we are not being helped.
Dorrian Hillburn
I learned how to work on 2nd life better. I still don't know how to make a teeshirt and I hope that I will learn how to do this tomorrow
Logan Hillburn
Today I Builded My great basketball court in second life!!!
sindone i rode around and also was helping dan with his field
i was unable to create my idea into second life becuause it was very hard and i did not know what to do capalbohillburn
pascrealla hillburn
i learned to builded stuff and pay people
zuhusky hillburn
today I had an idea of buliding a shadow the hedgehog club near the dance floor. it is going to have games, soda, fun. its going to rock
I am going to build a shop to sell cars in. I have started on the shop and i am going to somehow try to make cars
-Soares Hillburn
pirc hillburn
today i worked on my appearance today and i learned a lot about moving around and talking to people me and my partner are going to start our business tomorow
gorton hillburn---
today chaser brody taught us and gave us ideas on building a club. I'm going to work for nicholson hillburn and newmeyer hillburn and i hope it goes well!!
I learned to make a shirt and how to paste m picts on to the shirt
-Werfel Hillburn
today i learned how to make myself teleport and i made more friends. i still am not sure what business i wanted to start but i have a few i deas. i have been using more controls and get more experienced each day. _
Alvencar Hillburn - I have the coolest jacket today and plan on making much more. I may even start my own company.
finch hillburn
today i worked more on building my shope and working on advertsing for my robot. most of my time was devoted to helping others in my class!
miele hillburn
today i bought and jetpack and made some new friends on secondlife. I also was given a mdel of a little red car and a shop i got and next i am going to start to build my objects to sell
Hammershlag Hillburn and Johnson Hillburn-
We decided to partner up with Nicholson and Newmeyer. We are advertising for there club as well as helping them build it and find materials to put in it. We are trying to become a spot to hang out at home to chill with our friends.
Trifiletti Hillburn
Today Miele Hillburn and I started our own business. In our business, we sell things for girls and boys but today we were only able to accomplish making a dollhouse. I love second life and think it is an amazing experience for all students!
Nicholson Hillburn
Today we Partened with Hammershlag and Johnson Hillburn for our dance club. The will be advertising and we will be owners of the club.
today, i tried to make my shop. it is in my inventory. i must put it in a place so it stays there. I plan to sell cars.
andrade hillburn
today I tryed creating clothing and building some stuff. I still don't get how to create clothing, but i kept trying.
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