If you are having your doubts about the level of engagement and investment our students experience while working in SL check out this chat:
[10:40] You: ARe you home?
[10:40] Atami SMSJourneyer: yeah i stayed home sick today
[10:41] Atami SMSJourneyer: wat time does 8th period start
[10:41] You: How cool is it that you're able to attend class form home?!
[10:41] You: Are you feeling better?
[10:41] You: We start in 10 minutes
[10:41] Atami SMSJourneyer: a little. i will b in skool 2morrow, though
[10:42] Atami SMSJourneyer: ok, i'll come back cuz i was working on my house
[10:43] You: Right. Thanks for coming to SL today!
[10:43] Atami SMSJourneyer: ur welcome
[10:43] You: I'll be back in about 5 minutes. Do you remember your pod from yesterday?
[10:43] Atami SMSJourneyer: i g2g work on my house. i'll b back 4 class
[10:43] Atami SMSJourneyer: i'm on blue
[10:43] Atami SMSJourneyer: i remember
1 comment:
That's great! It definitely shows you that they enjoy this "project" and have thought about the fact that education and Second Life are not confined to the school's brick walls.
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