Monday, February 26, 2007

Winter Break - Presentation Hibernation

Hi All - I have been in "Presentation Hibernation" this week - as school is closed and I am slated to present at NYSCATE in Wappinger Falls this coming Saturday, March 3, as well as at LHRIC's Tech Expo 2007
March 15, 2007 (7:30am-4:30pm)
Location: Edith Macy Conference Center
Audience: Teachers, Directors of Technology, Administrators

Funny, a year or so ago, when I was researching information for my proposal for Ramapo Islands I really had to search down resources that were few and far between. Now, I am hard-pressed to limit my presentation to one hour as there are so many incredible articles, papers, movies and research reports that support MUVEs and virtual worlds for education. Finding a succinct definition for 21st Century Literacy is a major hurdle! Any suggestions? I will be posting a working version of the presentation ASAP and welcome input and critique (I know I know - be careful what you ask for - you may get it!) *winks*

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