Here is an example notecard sent to the teacher of the day's chat for the group reading
The Invisible Man:
[6:56] Platform-Three whispers: Platform-Three now ascending.
[6:56] Consiglio Hillburn: yea
[6:57] You: sweetness were going up
[6:57] Harrison Hillburn: hi
[6:57] Brain Hillburn: i have to tell the truth
[6:57] Harrison Hillburn: what
[6:57] Brain Hillburn: i hate this book
[6:57] Harrison Hillburn: it's difficult
[6:57] You: i think its getting better
[6:57] Harrison Hillburn: but the story itself is interesting.
[6:57] You: it is hard to understand
[6:57] Consiglio Hillburn: i dont rly like the book that muchh......it dosent seem like evrything came together yett
[6:57] Harrison Hillburn: yeah
[6:57] You: i think it will soon
[6:57] Harrison Hillburn: but once you comprehend it's really good
[6:58] You: but right now its kinda like a mish mosh of information
[6:58] Brain Hillburn: we found out he is really bad though
[6:58] Consiglio Hillburn: some of it i had to read over and over bc i didnt get it the first time
[6:58] Harrison Hillburn: yeah
[6:58] You: same here
[6:58] Brain Hillburn: its hard to understand
[6:58] Harrison Hillburn: so can you believe people know he's actually invisible?
[6:58] Consiglio Hillburn: yea the words are like in a weird order i feel likee
[6:58] You: i dont understand why he showed everyone in the town that hes invisible
[6:58] Consiglio Hillburn: yea mine either
[6:59] Stern Hillburn: i thought chaeapter 7 was the most interesting
[6:59] You: i think it woulda been a better idea if he left the town without making a whole big scene
[6:59] Harrison Hillburn: yeah if he was trying to hide his identity why would he let other k now?
[6:59] Stern Hillburn: chapter
[6:59] Harrison Hillburn: yeah
[6:59] You: me too
[6:59] Brain Hillburn: how come chapter 7
[6:59] You: it had so much action going on
[6:59] Brain Hillburn: yea
[6:59] Consiglio Hillburn: well it dosent rly matter cuz since hes invisable they wont always know hes there anyway
[6:59] Stern Hillburn: when the invisible man took off his clothes and started stealing
[7:00] Brain Hillburn: i thought he was commiting a crime
[7:00] Consiglio Hillburn: yea
[7:00] Stern Hillburn: and he was messing with other people
[7:00] Consiglio Hillburn: yea ehell probably end up a mass murderer
[7:00] Brain Hillburn: sre
[7:00] Harrison Hillburn: i thought it was weird that he left so much eidence behind
[7:00] Brain Hillburn: yea
[7:00] You: yeah
[7:00] Brain Hillburn: sure
[7:00] Consiglio Hillburn: he takes advantage of being invisable
[7:00] Brain Hillburn: sure
[7:00] You: i wonder why he waited so long to comitt his first crime
[7:00] Harrison Hillburn: same
[7:01] Consiglio Hillburn: probabky ......yea idk y he waitedd
[7:01] You: like it said he was there about a year
[7:01] Brain Hillburn: mabe he commited crimes in the town before and then came her to do it again
[7:01] Consiglio Hillburn: yea
[7:01] Stern Hillburn: he only brought the clothes he had on and then hall found them all over his room
[7:01] You: yeah so now he probably is going to move to a different town
[7:01] Consiglio Hillburn: yea well hes only rly
[7:01] Consiglio Hillburn: invisable w/o his clothess
[7:02] Harrison Hillburn: kerry can you explain what you just said?
[7:02] Harrison Hillburn: i don't recall that part
[7:02] Consiglio Hillburn: y7ea i didnt get that eitherr kerry
[7:02] Brain Hillburn: same3
[7:02] Harrison Hillburn: kerry?
[7:02] Harrison Hillburn: oh he is typing
[7:03] Stern Hillburn: when he took all his clothes off to go steal and create chaos
[7:03] You: yeah
[7:03] You: i remember that
[7:03] Harrison Hillburn: oh yeah
[7:03] Harrison Hillburn: so
[7:04] Consiglio Hillburn: sry im teleporting amy to our pod
[7:04] You: is she also reading our book?
[7:04] Consiglio Hillburn: ms sheehey told me to tho
[7:04] You: oh
[7:04] Harrison Hillburn: then we need to catch her up
[7:04] Brain Hillburn: k
[7:04] Harrison Hillburn: amy
[7:04] Harrison Hillburn: sit
[7:04] Brain Hillburn: dont fall
[7:04] You: so do u think the stranger is going to go to a different town now?
[7:04] Harrison Hillburn: yes
[7:04] Brain Hillburn: yeq
[7:04] Harrison Hillburn: he is going to migrate
[7:04] Consiglio Hillburn: probably
[7:05] Brain Hillburn: yea
[7:05] Brain Hillburn: when he is down her he will just move on
[7:05] You: birds migrate taylor
[7:05] Brain Hillburn: wow
[7:05] Harrison Hillburn: maybe.. he IS a bird
[7:05] Brain Hillburn: no
[7:05] You: hahaha
[7:05] Harrison Hillburn: but anyway
[7:05] Harrison Hillburn: amy..
[7:05] Consiglio Hillburn: if he stays in one place they can eventualy catch him so hes kinda smart
[7:05] Harrison Hillburn: did you read anything yet?
[7:05] You: so why do u think he is invisible in the first place
[7:05] Wright Hillburn: no
[7:05] Brain Hillburn: because of the poisons be brought
[7:05] Brain Hillburn: just kidding
[7:06] Harrison Hillburn: i don't know how he became invisible but it can be used to his advantage when trying to commit a crime
[7:06] Consiglio Hillburn: idk maybe he did some science experiment or smthng to himselff
[7:06] Brain Hillburn: possibility
[7:06] You: so u think the poison makes him invisible
[7:06] Harrison Hillburn: i'm not sure
[7:06] Consiglio Hillburn: or maybe he was just born that wayy
[7:06] Brain Hillburn: mabe
[7:06] Harrison Hillburn: yeah
[7:06] Brain Hillburn: it could happen
[7:06] Consiglio Hillburn: wich would be SO weirdd
[7:06] You: thats probably why he keeps on testing things
[7:06] You: to c if he can make any other cool things happen
[7:06] Harrison Hillburn: i wonder what he's going to use the poisen for
[7:06] Brain Hillburn: i could do saome crazy things with 1001 bottles of poison
[7:07] You: yeah
[7:07] Consiglio Hillburn: haha yeaa he'll definatly end up using themm
[7:07] Harrison Hillburn: is he out to get something specific?
[7:07] Harrison Hillburn: or
[7:07] Harrison Hillburn: is he just going out to make trouble
[7:07] Consiglio Hillburn: he probably wants revenge
[7:07] You: just in general a criminal
[7:07] Harrison Hillburn: i don't understand
[7:07] Brain Hillburn: yea reveenge
[7:07] Harrison Hillburn: but he never did anything to harm another person
[7:07] Harrison Hillburn: only stealing
[7:07] You: so do u think him becoming invisible was a mistake
[7:07] Brain Hillburn: mabe hes poor
[7:07] Consiglio Hillburn: their are probably ppl he nvr liked and maybe he just wants them gone
[7:07] Harrison Hillburn: possibly
[7:08] Harrison Hillburn: but i don't think that's important know
[7:08] Harrison Hillburn: now*
[7:08] You: he is a very sspicious man
[7:08] Harrison Hillburn: yeah
[7:08] Harrison Hillburn: that's basically the main idea
[7:08] Consiglio Hillburn: well there are so many possibiliess
[7:08] You: yup
[7:08] Consiglio Hillburn: of what he'll end up doingg
[7:08] Brain Hillburn: what do u think will happen in the future
[7:09] Consiglio Hillburn: hes gonna end up murdering alot of ppl....thats a safe inference i thinkk
[7:09] Stern Hillburn: he'll probobly move to another town do this again and then somehow get caught
[7:09] You: i think hes gonna steal more and just go to different places but keep on doing similar things
[7:09] You: and i think his experiments will come into play sometime soon
[7:09] Consiglio Hillburn: yea....do u think he'll ever get caught?
[7:09] Brain Hillburn: we said that he is moving to another town already
[7:09] Stern Hillburn: probobly
[7:09] Consiglio Hillburn: cus i mean he IS invisible
[7:09] Harrison Hillburn: well that would be a little boring
[7:10] Harrison Hillburn: i'm hoping something dramatic will happen
[7:10] Brain Hillburn: yeq
[7:10] Harrison Hillburn: like the turning point of the story
[7:10] Brain Hillburn: mabe he willll get caught
[7:10] You: do u think he wants to stay invisible or no
[7:10] Consiglio Hillburn: yea idk he moight end up just feeling so guilty and gving upp
[7:10] You: because ppl already are tracking him down
[7:10] Consiglio Hillburn: yea idk
[7:10] You: and catching on to his scheme
[7:10] Walmsley Hillburn shouts: okay, well
[7:11] Harrison Hillburn: who wa investigating him
[7:11] Harrison Hillburn: ?
[7:11] Harrison Hillburn: finding out about him
[7:11] Harrison Hillburn: ..
[7:11] You: so what kind of things were u thinking while reading... thats one of the questions we have to discuss
[7:11] Harrison Hillburn: ok
[7:11] Consiglio Hillburn: ytea well alot of ppl already knoww
[7:11] Brain Hillburn: i was so confuse
[7:11] Brain Hillburn: confused
[7:11] Consiglio Hillburn: like that hes invisible
[7:11] Harrison Hillburn: sarah
[7:11] Consiglio Hillburn: yea
[7:11] Harrison Hillburn: you need to be a little more specific
[7:12] Consiglio Hillburn: like what do u mean?
[7:12] Brain Hillburn: we know he is invisible by know
[7:12] Consiglio Hillburn: yeaaa
[7:12] Brain Hillburn: that is the tittle of the book
[7:12] Consiglio Hillburn: and so do alot of other ppl
[7:12] Harrison Hillburn: ok
[7:12] Harrison Hillburn: but
[7:12] Harrison Hillburn: what i was thinking
[7:12] Harrison Hillburn: was basically
[7:12] Consiglio Hillburn: in the book bc he showed the town
[7:12] Harrison Hillburn: what has he done
[7:12] Harrison Hillburn: and what is he going to do
[7:13] Harrison Hillburn: and why did he let out his true identity
[7:13] Harrison Hillburn: ?
[7:13] You: hes robbed the place and showed a bunch of people that he is invisible
[7:13] Consiglio Hillburn: well hes obviously a criminal but what hes ging to do is such an open question
[7:13] You: but still the majority of the town doesnt believe it
[7:13] Consiglio Hillburn: true
[7:13] Harrison Hillburn: so do you think that means he will still get away with doing something bad?
[7:13] Consiglio Hillburn: if he keeps moving probablyy
[7:14] You: i think that because people already found out in another towen i think its all downhill from here for the invisible masn
[7:14] Brain Hillburn: yea
[7:14] Consiglio Hillburn: they wont find him
[7:14] Harrison Hillburn: will he continue to use the fact that he is invisible so he will further commit more crimes?
[7:14] Stern Hillburn: i dont think any one will belive that theres an invisible man
[7:14] Consiglio Hillburn: well some ppl will
[7:14] Stern Hillburn: but anyway how will they find out
[7:14] Consiglio Hillburn: well he could show them like he did the others
[7:15] Consiglio Hillburn: but then it would be hard for him to continue as a criminal and not get caughtt
[7:15] You: so in the new town do u think he will do anything different than the old one
[7:15] You: to be more concealed or something
[7:15] Consiglio Hillburn: his like crime might increase
[7:15] Consiglio Hillburn: like how bad they are
[7:15] Harrison Hillburn: if it's science fiction then that means it's going to be someone realistic, therefore i believe that someone will find out
[7:16] You: and he might try to stay way more unknown
[7:16] Consiglio Hillburn: not just stealing but killing and alot of more seriopus stuff
[7:16] You: good job taylor
[7:16] Harrison Hillburn: thank you!
[7:16] Berkowitz Hillburn is Offline
[7:16] Kenny Hillburn is Offline
[7:16] MargoF Hillburn is Offline
[7:16] Harrison Hillburn: somewgat*
[7:16] You: so what do we read up to tonight
[7:16] You: how about
[7:16] Harrison Hillburn: um
[7:16] Brain Hillburn: not far
[7:16] Harrison Hillburn: 11 pages a night
[7:16] Harrison Hillburn: so i think
[7:17] Harrison Hillburn: read up to 62
[7:17] You: how bout page 62
[7:17] Consiglio Hillburn: k
[7:17] You: 56
[7:17] Brain Hillburn: 56
[7:17] Harrison Hillburn: 56
[7:17] Brain Hillburn: 56
[7:17] Kenny Hillburn is Online
[7:17] You: read up to 56
[7:17] Harrison Hillburn: did the people who got robbed tell anybody
[7:17] Harrison Hillburn: ?
[7:17] Consiglio Hillburn: yea 56 is better
[7:17] You: much lol
[7:17] Consiglio Hillburn: id rly care
[7:17] Brain Hillburn: back to the boook
[7:17] Harrison Hillburn: hello
[7:17] Harrison Hillburn: i asked a question
[7:17] Consiglio Hillburn: haha ok
[7:18] Brain Hillburn: i think so
[7:18] Harrison Hillburn: how does everyone know then
[7:18] You: yeah i think like rumor spread through out the town
[7:18] Harrison Hillburn: that's the part of the book i don't understand
[7:18] You: dont u find it weird that they spell realize like realise
[7:18] Harrison Hillburn: but the people who believe it... did they have any proof at all?
[7:18] Consiglio Hillburn: well once u tell some ppl its guaranteed to get aroundd
[7:18] You: they saw him take his clothes off and go invisible
[7:18] Harrison Hillburn: yes, i noticed that too!
[7:19] Harrison Hillburn: good observationh
[7:19] Brain Hillburn: i think it is a small town
[7:19] Stern Hillburn: they just thought someone robbed them
[7:19] Harrison Hillburn: observation
[7:19] Stern Hillburn: not that hes invisibe
[7:19] Consiglio Hillburn: yea but if the town is small everyone is closerr
[7:19] MargoF Hillburn is Online
[7:19] Consiglio Hillburn: and rumors spread more probablyy
[7:19] Harrison Hillburn: this whole mr.bunting person
[7:19] Harrison Hillburn: he was involved, correct?
[7:19] You: i think his house is the one that got robbed
[7:20] Consiglio Hillburn: yeaa but it could be a setup or smthng idkk
[7:20] You: so what traits do u like about the invisible man
[7:20] Harrison Hillburn: i don't necessarily like any raits
[7:20] You: i mean he isnt really a lovable guy
[7:20] Harrison Hillburn: however
[7:20] Harrison Hillburn: i think that they are interesting
[7:21] Harrison Hillburn: like how he decides to be so sneaky
[7:21] You: yah i think he is interesting but very strange
[7:21] Consiglio Hillburn: yea but theyre still criminalss
[7:21] You: true true
[7:21] Harrison Hillburn: i still don't understand why he's so open about it
[7:21] Harrison Hillburn: that's a sign of stupidity in my opinion
[7:21] You: because he now is going to a different town and they were already so suspicious about him
[7:21] Consiglio Hillburn: bc it dosent rly mastter if ppl know...hes still invisible
[7:21] Harrison Hillburn: so he decided he'd just admit it anyway
[7:21] Harrison Hillburn: ?
[7:22] Consiglio Hillburn: i guess yea i mean its not that big of a deal to him i guess
[7:22] Brain Hillburn: yea
[7:22] You: i guess so
[7:22] Harrison Hillburn: i don't really know what else to say
[7:22] Consiglio Hillburn: haha yea i know
[7:22] Harrison Hillburn: that's really all we can predict or reflect on now
[7:22] Brain Hillburn: hi
[7:22] Consiglio Hillburn: thyre ar so many things that are possible in the near or far future
[7:22] Harrison Hillburn: basically
[7:22] Ivey Zeami: How are things going?
[7:22] You: weve basically discussed all of the questions
[7:22] Harrison Hillburn: great
[7:22] Brain Hillburn: yea
[7:23] Consiglio Hillburn: yea
[7:23] Stern Hillburn: good
[7:23] Harrison Hillburn: we discussed most if not all of our questions
[7:23] You: i think we are just about done
[7:23] Ivey Zeami: Give me a recap
[7:23] You: and tonight we are reading up to 56
[7:23] Brain Hillburn: he will continue his crimes
[7:23] Consiglio Hillburn: well we talked alot about the possibilities for his future
[7:23] You: we think that he is going to keep on committin crimes
[7:23] Harrison Hillburn: we basically discussed that he was obviously some sort of criminal in the past, and we don't quite understand why he lets people know that he is invisible
[7:23] You: and we think that his science experiments will come into play sometime soon
[7:24] Harrison Hillburn: maybe because he assumed people already knew something suspicious was going on?
[7:24] Harrison Hillburn: yeah
[7:24] Consiglio Hillburn: yea like he has all these bottles of poison and stuff
[7:24] Brain Hillburn: we also think that might be how he became invisible
[7:24] You: yeah
[7:24] Harrison Hillburn: i don't think WHY he is invisible is important
[7:24] Consiglio Hillburn: yea through science expeirimentss
[7:24] You: and we think he is doing experiments to maybe make other things happen
[7:24] Harrison Hillburn: more about how he utalizes it
[7:24] Stern Hillburn: maybe one of his experiments went wrong
[7:24] Brain Hillburn: idk that is what we discussed
[7:24] Consiglio Hillburn: yea taylor
[7:25] You: but he seems to use invisibilty to his advantage
[7:25] Brain Hillburn: it is science fiction
[7:25] Harrison Hillburn: idk but I think we should concentrate more on what he's done in the past and how it's going to affect the future
[7:25] Consiglio Hillburn: yeaa
[7:25] Harrison Hillburn: because if he's going from town to town
[7:25] Consiglio Hillburn: the future is so open tho
[7:25] You: yeah
[7:25] You: he could really do anything
[7:26] Harrison Hillburn: it's important to know how he's going to get away with any cime he possibly committs
[7:26] Consiglio Hillburn: like its hard to make an exact or good inference on whats gonna happen w/ him
[7:26] You: but some ppl were catching on to him in Iping
[7:26] Harrison Hillburn: so we all predict that he's going to use the fact that he is invisible to his advantage?
[7:26] Brain Hillburn: nobody can stop him
[7:26] Harrison Hillburn: we don't know that
[7:26] Harrison Hillburn: because people know about him
[7:26] Consiglio Hillburn: yea now that hes moving....
[7:26] Harrison Hillburn: they just didn't say anything or know one believes them yet
[7:26] Brain Hillburn: rightt now nobody has
[7:26] You: he was almost caught a couple of times in the first town
[7:26] Harrison Hillburn: yeah but by moving he can get away with it
[7:27] You: but evereyone is afraid of him so he can use that to his advantage
[7:27] Harrison Hillburn: and i think that's how he has been sucessful up to this point
[7:27] Brain Hillburn: prb
[7:27] Brain Hillburn: prob
[7:27] Harrison Hillburn: is there any more questions we should discuss
[7:27] You: so we are just about done now
[7:27] You: nope
[7:27] You: weve covered them all
[7:27] Brain Hillburn: good
[7:28] You: so pag 56
[7:28] Pereira Hillburn is Offline
[7:28] Harrison Hillburn: I honestly think we discussed everything and we're ready to continue reading the story
[7:28] You: going down
[7:28] You: ok?
[7:28] Harrison Hillburn: yes
[7:28] Ivey Zeami: ok
[7:28] Platform-Three whispers: Platform-Three now descending.
[7:28] Brain Hillburn: lets gp
Here is the chat for the group reading
War of the Worlds:
Hoberman Hillburn: well the other cities have been invaded
[6:56] Alvencar Hillburn: left out alot in movie
[6:56] Newmeyer Hillburn: I think that tension is building between the aliens and the people
[6:56] Hoberman Hillburn: the other cities around where the main character is
[6:56] You: how i understand more of those pod things came down in different areas
[6:56] Alvencar Hillburn: alot more on science
[6:56] Alvencar Hillburn: like gravity of mars and earth
[6:56] Hoberman Hillburn: and the three characters ogivly sten and henderson died
[6:57] You: yea
[6:57] You: how i didn't understand
[6:57] Newmeyer Hillburn: The war is about to start
[6:57] Hoberman Hillburn: because it said the newspapers in the story was talking about their death
[6:57] You: ok
[6:57] Hoberman Hillburn: yeah and there was also some heat ray
[6:57] Hoberman Hillburn: that burned all objects it hit
[6:57] Alvencar Hillburn: alot of people still don't know about invasion
[6:57] Hoberman Hillburn: the aliens used it
[6:57] You: there were some parts that were unecessary
[6:58] You: like the heat ray chapter
[6:58] Newmeyer Hillburn: yeah
[6:58] Yusich Hillburn: yeah it described alot about the martians and their weapons
[6:58] Newmeyer Hillburn: It is building up tension and anger between aliens and people
[6:58] Hoberman Hillburn: and how they used them when they hit the trees and the trees got destroyed
[6:59] Hoberman Hillburn: i think now the aliens are going to really start using the weapons to kill
[6:59] Alvencar Hillburn: they were hostile from the beggining
[6:59] You: What is the writing style of the author? Consider literary elements we have discussed in the past. Do you like the author’s style of writing?
[6:59] Hoberman Hillburn: and in the next few chapters i think it will talk about the invasion of even more cities
[7:00] Hoberman Hillburn: he's very descriptive
[7:00] Yusich Hillburn: i like the writing it is telling it from frist person
[7:00] You: i thnk his witing is ok
[7:00] Alvencar Hillburn: descibes every thing in detail
[7:00] Hoberman Hillburn: he details every part of the book
[7:00] Newmeyer Hillburn: And they will start to fight face to face
[7:00] Yusich Hillburn: yeah i think there is too much detail
[7:00] You: yea he describes it
[7:01] Hoberman Hillburn: whats the next question
[7:01] You: Using plot points, decide what message the author gives the reader about friends, family, fear, survival, peer pressure, et cetera.
[7:01] Hoberman Hillburn: fear he uses the heat ray
[7:01] Hoberman Hillburn: to try to get you to understand the fear of the people in the book
[7:01] Newmeyer Hillburn: The author shows that the people will begin to really panic
[7:01] You: in survival the main character is scared
[7:02] Alvencar Hillburn: people won't take this seriously
[7:02] Yusich Hillburn: yeah he is also scared
[7:02] Hoberman Hillburn: by showing how powerful the weapons of the aliens are and what they can really do
[7:02] Newmeyer Hillburn: Until tey are affected, people won't care
[7:02] Newmeyer Hillburn: they
[7:02] Alvencar Hillburn: indeed
[7:02] Newmeyer Hillburn: indeed
[7:02] Yusich Hillburn: i agree
[7:03] Hoberman Hillburn: whats the next question
[7:03] You: Discuss what the author might be saying about relationships (could be familial, friend, love) based on the relationships between characters in the novel.
[7:03] Hoberman Hillburn: all we know is that the husband and the wife are scared
[7:03] You: the main characters wife calms him donw b/c he is so scared
[7:03] Alvencar Hillburn: he cares about his wife
[7:03] Hoberman Hillburn: it hasn't gone to much in to detail about the wife and husband together though
[7:04] You: and the three that died were kinda his friends
[7:04] Yusich Hillburn: yeah i dont think the wife will be a big part
[7:04] Hoberman Hillburn: yeah
[7:04] Hoberman Hillburn: i didn't think they would die
[7:04] Newmeyer Hillburn: yeah
[7:04] Hoberman Hillburn: especially at the smae time
[7:04] Hoberman Hillburn: same
[7:04] Newmeyer Hillburn: love could have something to do w/ it
[7:04] Yusich Hillburn: yeah i thought they would helptry and stop them
[7:04] Newmeyer Hillburn: if wife dies, husband will be mad and want to fight
[7:04] Hoberman Hillburn: who would anthony
[7:05] Hoberman Hillburn: who woyld help
[7:05] Hoberman Hillburn: would
[7:05] Alvencar Hillburn: i wonder if he will still care when he is trying to survive on his own
[7:05] Yusich Hillburn: the people that died ogliviy and the other 2
[7:05] You: i think he would
[7:05] Hoberman Hillburn: sten and henderson you mean
[7:05] Hoberman Hillburn: o ok
[7:05] Yusich Hillburn: yeah
[7:06] Hoberman Hillburn: whats next
[7:06] Newmeyer Hillburn: I think that this is like WWII inb S.S.
[7:06] Alvencar Hillburn: we will see . desperation makes you do crazy things
[7:06] Newmeyer Hillburn: If u don't stop hitler he continues to get away with what he wants
[7:06] Hoberman Hillburn: yeah but the people had no chance against the aliens
[7:06] Yusich Hillburn: yeah the aliens might be like that
[7:06] You: somebody has to stand up to them
[7:07] Newmeyer Hillburn: U have to stop the aliens before they take everything
[7:07] Hoberman Hillburn: only the army in england could possibly stop them
[7:07] Yusich Hillburn: yeah which will probably be hard
[7:07] You: and start the fighting before it gets worse
[7:07] Hoberman Hillburn: but people without training and weapons had no chance
[7:07] Alvencar Hillburn: true
[7:07] Newmeyer Hillburn: well people thought they didn't have a chance vs hitler, but we saw how that turned out
[7:07] Alvencar Hillburn: what would you do
[7:07] Newmeyer Hillburn: fight backj
[7:08] Hoberman Hillburn: hide
[7:08] You: i agree with matt
[7:08] Yusich Hillburn: do whatever i can to stop them
[7:08] Newmeyer Hillburn: what other choice is there
[7:08] You: which is what
[7:08] Hoberman Hillburn: you can't fight something that has weapons without weapons
[7:08] Yusich Hillburn: run away
[7:08] Alvencar Hillburn: i would run then form plan
[7:08] Newmeyer Hillburn: if u run or hide, they will find you
[7:08] Hoberman Hillburn: and i don't know much about them so i don't their weaknesses and strengths
[7:08] Alvencar Hillburn: they move slowly
[7:08] You: you need to fight ack
[7:08] Yusich Hillburn: yeah
[7:08] You: back*
[7:08] Hoberman Hillburn: whats next quetion
[7:08] Hoberman Hillburn: question
[7:08] You: Why do you think the author wrote this book?
[7:09] Hoberman Hillburn: to get famous
[7:09] You: n
[7:09] Alvencar Hillburn: is there a moral point
[7:09] You: no*
[7:09] Yusich Hillburn: to show what could happen in the future between our planets
[7:09] You: i doubt that will happen
[7:09] Newmeyer Hillburn: We don't know yet
[7:09] Hoberman Hillburn: we already checked mars
[7:09] Hoberman Hillburn: theres nothing up there
[7:09] Hoberman Hillburn: i doubt this could be a true story
[7:09] Alvencar Hillburn: who knows
[7:09] You: maybe he thought that would happen
[7:09] Yusich Hillburn: yeah nobody really knows
[7:10] Hoberman Hillburn: thats possible because it was written a very long time ago
[7:10] You: and he was writing based on what he was thinking
[7:10] Yusich Hillburn: yeah maybe it was aroud the time when people first started going to space
[7:10] Newmeyer Hillburn: no
[7:10] Newmeyer Hillburn: It is made up
[7:10] Hoberman Hillburn: no
[7:10] Alvencar Hillburn: it is
[7:11] Hoberman Hillburn: it was made well before then
[7:11] Yusich Hillburn: it is but it could happen in th efuture
[7:11] Hoberman Hillburn: it was published in the 1980's
[7:11] Hoberman Hillburn: but made in 40's or 50's
[7:11] Newmeyer Hillburn: no
[7:11] Hoberman Hillburn: ill check
[7:11] Newmeyer Hillburn: It is fantasy
[7:11] Alvencar Hillburn: it may happen in future though
[7:11] Alvencar Hillburn: we are not sure
[7:11] Yusich Hillburn: i thought it was science fiction
[7:11] Alvencar Hillburn: so
[7:11] Hoberman Hillburn: he wrote it by 1901
[7:12] Hoberman Hillburn: about 1901
[7:12] Newmeyer Hillburn: Unless people find not only signs of life on mars, but living creatures, it is impossible
[7:12] Hoberman Hillburn: thats what the book says in his life biography thing inthe begining of the book
[7:12] You: back on topic...we haave to sasy WHY he wrote it not WHEN
[7:12] You: have*
[7:12] Hoberman Hillburn: o yeah
[7:12] You: say*
[7:12] Hoberman Hillburn: i said it was just his thinking or to get famous
[7:12] Yusich Hillburn: he probably wrote it to just show what he was thinking
[7:12] Alvencar Hillburn: I think it has a moral point
[7:12] You: i don't think so
[7:12] Hoberman Hillburn: maybe to show people what his opinions are about the future
[7:13] You: i agree with sujay
[7:13] Hoberman Hillburn: or if that happened, what would occur
[7:13] Newmeyer Hillburn: It was just a thought he had
[7:13] You: yea
[7:13] Alvencar Hillburn: To show that we should be ever vigilant
[7:13] Newmeyer Hillburn: love the vocab suj
[7:13] Alvencar Hillburn: thanks dog
[7:13] Yusich Hillburn: lol
[7:14] Newmeyer Hillburn: no prob homie
[7:14] Hoberman Hillburn: ok back to the book
[7:14] Yusich Hillburn: gunit
[7:14] Alvencar Hillburn: nice
[7:14] Newmeyer Hillburn: fidy cent
[7:14] Alvencar Hillburn: enough
[7:14] Hoberman Hillburn: yo come on back to the book
[7:14] Alvencar Hillburn: sry
[7:15] Hoberman Hillburn: whats the next questin
[7:15] Yusich Hillburn: yeah sry sujy told me to say it
[7:15] Alvencar Hillburn: no
[7:15] You: there are no more
[7:15] Yusich Hillburn: ok
[7:15] Hoberman Hillburn: really
[7:15] You: lets come back to some of the questions
[7:15] Hoberman Hillburn: ok
[7:15] Yusich Hillburn: ok
[7:16] You: how about this one
[7:16] You: What is the writing style of the author? Consider literary elements we have discussed in the past. Do you like the author’s style of writing?
[7:16] Kenny Hillburn is Offline
[7:16] MargoF Hillburn is Offline
[7:16] Hoberman Hillburn: oh i said he was very detailed
[7:16] Yusich Hillburn: i like the writing it gets confusing sometimes
[7:16] You: other than that
[7:16] Alvencar Hillburn: he writes as if it already happened
[7:16] Newmeyer Hillburn: excruciating detail
[7:16] Hoberman Hillburn: he makes sure you understand exactly his thoughts
[7:16] Alvencar Hillburn: past tense
[7:17] Hoberman Hillburn: he talks about every small point for longer than it has to be sometimes
[7:17] Newmeyer Hillburn: he tells the story so that you feel like your there
[7:17] You: what makes me confused are some of the words and how he puts unecessary things in there
[7:17] Kenny Hillburn is Online
[7:17] Hoberman Hillburn: he just wants you to picture in your mind exactly what he is thinking
[7:17] Yusich Hillburn: yeah i think he does that just to get his point across
[7:17] Alvencar Hillburn: It makes the story really slow
[7:17] You: yea
[7:17] Hoberman Hillburn: yeah he just does that to make sure you understand the images
[7:17] Alvencar Hillburn: but it is k
[7:18] Alvencar Hillburn: okay
[7:18] Hoberman Hillburn: whats another question
[7:18] You: Using plot points, decide what message the author gives the reader about friends, family, fear, survival, peer pressure, et cetera.
[7:18] Yusich Hillburn: yeah
[7:18] Alvencar Hillburn: the begging says a little on evolution
[7:19] You: he is afraid to die and starts worrying a little
[7:19] Hoberman Hillburn: o i said before the fear element he tries to bring to you is that he uses lot's of detail about the images to make you feel the fear of the characters
[7:19] Hoberman Hillburn: thats why he puts so much detail in
[7:19] MargoF Hillburn is Online
[7:19] Alvencar Hillburn: Martians evolved due to harsh envirnment
[7:19] Yusich Hillburn: yeah he will probably want to fight after a while
[7:19] Hoberman Hillburn: just to make you feel the way the characters in the book are feeling
[7:20] Alvencar Hillburn: i don't think he fight much
[7:20] Yusich Hillburn: he might is he panics
[7:20] Newmeyer Hillburn: he is bulding up to the point when the main character decides it is time to fight
[7:20] Alvencar Hillburn: it expresses panic not heroism
[7:20] Hoberman Hillburn: yeah because nobody is trying to be a hero and stop the martians
[7:20] You: yeah he starts to knda panick
[7:21] Alvencar Hillburn: everyone doed
[7:21] Alvencar Hillburn: does
[7:21] Newmeyer Hillburn: once loved one's die, it will fuel their anger and lead to the fight
[7:21] Yusich Hillburn: yeah which will elad to war
[7:21] Alvencar Hillburn: this isn't a heroic story
[7:21] Hoberman Hillburn: but there is nothing the people can do until they figure out more about the aliens
[7:21] Alvencar Hillburn: It is about survival
[7:22] Hoberman Hillburn: so is that it
[7:22] Yusich Hillburn: im guessing so
[7:23] Hoberman Hillburn: ok whoever the leader is copy the stuff and drop it into miss ivey
[7:23] You: i'll do that
[7:23] Hoberman Hillburn: ok
[7:23] Yusich Hillburn: ok so what are we reading up to tonight?
[7:23] You: i think we should read to chapter11